The Industrial Revolution's Significance

    The industrial revolution created a new idea of production and thinking.  Some of those ideas were mass production, the assembly line, and new transportation methods. Whatever they did in the industrial revolution, it was to be efficient with the resources available. This included machines that would maximize the amount of product one get from a resource. One example of this was the Cotton Jin that created threads much faster than using ones hands. The overarching significance of the industrial revolution though was the idea that it increased the standard for living. The Industrial Revolution gave people more jobs than having artisans in the town because many people creating a product is a lot more effective than having one person do everything. The Industrial Revolution created a new life style.

The Enlightenments Influence on the Industrial Revolution

    Before, people in the world lived life with the goal to impress their god or goddess. However, when the enlightenment happened, and people began to separate religion from the country as a whole, people had a new way of thinking. This new way of thinking opened up ideas to people that eventually used those ideas to make a tangible object that wasn’t created yet. These inventors’ inventions didn’t just benefit them, they benefited the whole society. Some of those inventions included the train, cotton Gin, and the steam powered engine. Overall, the industrial Revolution was the eventual result of the beginning of the Enlightenment.ssfsfsfs

Why the Industrial Revolution Happened and Developed as it Did

The Industrial Revolution followed the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment was an era of reason. This reason would be a great part of why the Industrial Revolution occurred and how it developed. The Enlightenment supported the idea of a free democratic world. That is exactly the direction the Industrial Revolution would lead the world. Since the idea of freedom and self improvement was emphasized during the enlightenment, those ideas were demonstrated in the Industrial Revolution. It can be said that the Enlightenment was “talking the talk” and the Industrial Revolution was “walking the walk.” 

 However, without innovation the Industrial Revolution would have never occurred. Some important inventions that caused the industrial Revolution were the textile mills, cotton gin, and the steam powered engine. The textile mill would be the first factory powered by energy, in this case flowing water. This at the time was revolutionary and thousands were made across North America. These factories also needed many employees. Often whole cities were created around one textile mill, which in turn would lead to an increase in population and greater number of cities and towns. Advances in manufacturing products over time and the idea of mass production, interchangeable parts, and assembly line would lead to the factories we see today. However, the factories we see today are run by fossil fuels since flowing water wasn’t sufficient enough to meet the economic needs. The cotton gin sped up the process of advancement of textile factories because there was more cotton available in a shorter amount of time. Lastly the steam powered engine was one of the first major engines introduced to the world. From this first model many engines came about over the years to supply for the transportation of products that were produced by the factories. The steam power engines also lead to the info structure of the United States of America. There was a boom of creation of roads, railroads, and canals to transport all of the products that were being produced.

The Industrial Revolution was building inventions and innovations on top of each other. Almost like a Domino effect were one innovation led to the next, which led to the next. The Industrial Revolution brought the world into the modern generation we now know in a time span of only 200 plus years. This was a short period of time compared to how little the world advanced in the thousands of years before the Industrial Revolution. A drastic change was needed in the world that was proposed in the Enlightenment and carried out in the Industrial Revolution.

Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

The Industrial Revolution will affect our lives and history forever. However, not all that transpired during the Industrial Revolution was for the better. One of the most noticeable changes in the world from the Industrial Revolution is the population; it has increased by 6 billion people from the late 1700s to modern day. The grandeur of the population would mean many mouths to feed and a great need of factories to produce products that could satisfy the part of the population that is willing and able to buy them. All of these factories being used create a great reliance on fossil fuels, which will not last forever. In the mean while the use of fossils fuels greatly hurts the environment. Because, the Industrial Revolution created a great reliance on fossil fuels; it created a currently diminishing environment. However factories also created a need for more efficient transportation which created the info structure in the world we have today. The most significant impact the industrial Revolution had on the world was changing the worlds or at least United States of America’s people and society as a whole. Before there were few major cities, the world’s population was self reliant on oneself and its family to produce food and other necessities. The Industrial Revolution changed all that. The world modernized along with its, materialistic, people and that was the greatest consequence that came from the Industrial Revolution.